- President: Dr. Marceline
- Secretary: Dr. Ramavaidyanathan
- Joint Secretary: Mrs. Ranjani,
- Treasurer: Ms. Jaishree Mahapatra
- Founder President: Dr.Mangalam Balasubramanian
COWE Tamil Nadu Chapter was formed in the year 2013.
Ever since it has been creating ripples in the field of Entrepreneurship at three levels: at the grass root level women organisation, Students chapters in Technical and Arts and Science colleges, and at established Women Entrepreneurs in Industries. These efforts are supported by organizing many seminars, Exhibitions with the support from NSIC and MSME Institutions. In this way they are bringing in young Entrepreneurs into the fold of COWE India.
At this juncture, they are thankful to Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (CED), Anna University who have joined hands with COWE –TN chapter through a MOU to support Entrepreneurship forum for girls and Organic Farming activities in the University Campus as well as conducting many EDP programmes to fulfill the objectives She-preneurs right from College level. The team on Board at Tamilnadu Chapter is regularly organizing EDP lecture sessions and EDP training every month bringing established Women Entrepreneurs for learning, hands on experience and sharing.