One of the major problems faced by women is developing networks to build their businesses. COWE facilitates this by having local, national and international meetings and events. It also helps women to buy from and sell to each other.

COWE creates opportunities for start-ups and Young- college girls to pursue entrepreneurship by the way of mentoring, Internships and project reports in our existing industries.

COWE is expanding into a national body. As the dynamics are changing, thought processes, research surveys are forcing women to take bold steps. Keeping in mind the changes in the economic, social and political scenarios women force should be utilised properly, Connectivity, togetherness, and one voice will be more effective. To reach its goal COWE is making a focused attempt through extending chapters throughout India and abroad.



  • President: Ms. Radhika Gopala Krishna Murthy
  • Secretary - I: Ms. K. Vijaya Lakshmi
  • Secretary - II: Ms. P. Sarat Mohini Devi
  • Joint Secretary - I: Ms. N. Malathi
  • Treasurer: Ms. Sravani Jetti
  • Past President: Ms. Darsi Aparna

COWE AP Chapter was started on 7th November 2015 and has been successfully running through its sixth year in accordance with the policies of COWE India. The team works towards the vision and mission of COWE India through empowerment of women in AP state by facilitating them with the training programs and awareness programs to inculcate the zeal of becoming an entrepreneur. In accordance with the policies, they plan several programs to enhance the capacity to help more women to get empowered with training programs in diversified fields through APSSDC, MSME, and other departmental programs for women from different walks of life. Nutrition as a core topic they also plan to work on for the women who are looking towards development in the food industry.

They organised Skill Development Trainings to members in Beautician, Jute Bags Making, Bakery Products Marketing. Also organised Skill Development Training to Inmates of Prison. Cowe International LifeStyle Expo in Visakhapatnam, One day Work-shop on Beauty and Styling, Interaction with Singapore Delights, DIC.


  • President: Ms. Rachna Kalra
  • Secretary – I: Ms. Ankita Somani
  • Secretary – II: Ms. Leher Sethi
  • Treasurer: Ms.Geetanjali Sharma
  • Past President: Ms.Kavita Agarwal

COWE DELHI chapter was formed in 2013. From the start it continues to support women empowerment in all walks of life through its flagship Programme like Rasoi Queen, Queens XI and Womennovator. Besides above, their focus was mainly on providing networking opportunities to our members and creating our own GIVE & TAKE resource bank. They have tried to bring forward the relentless efforts of women entrepreneurs, who have gone against the tide to achieve the toughest and connect them in a community. They continued to add new members both lifetime and annual and make COWE one of the prominent WOMEN organizations in DELHI.


  • President: Ms. Meena Kaviya
  • Secretary - I: Ms. Veena Parikh
  • Secretary - II: Ms. Santosh Shah
  • Treasurer: Ms. Usha Birmie
  • Joint Secretary: Ms. Manjusha Kothari

The Gujarat chapter is the latest Chapter of COWE. Formed in the year 2021.

The chapter aims at contributing towards the vision and mission of COWE. They are going to empower the women of Gujarat by conducting different training programmes and helping women develop their skills so that they can confidently start their entrepreneurship.


  • President: Ms. Gayatri Suresh
  • Secretary - I: Ms. Archana Maroli
  • Secretary - II: Ms. Suma Anne Gowda
  • Joint Secretary : Ms. Kavana Mayur
  • Treasurer: Ms. Geetha Jagannath Rao
  • Past President: Ms. Pallavi Shekhar

The Karnataka chapter was launched on 8th March 2014.

They started the process of forming 5 branches apart from the Bangalore branch – including Mysore, Belgaum and 3 others. Over the next 2 years they hope to increase membership by over 200 members by increasing the number of EDPs and ESDPs, increasing networking and marketing options for our members, and tying up with various Government and Non-Governmental organisations.

COWE Karnataka plans on making Karnataka chapter and its activities a leading force in helping maximum number of women become entrepreneurs.


  • President: Ms. Shilpi Datta Som
  • Secretary - I: Ms. Krishna Datta
  • Secretary - II: Ms. Ananya Save
  • Joint Secretary: Ms. Mini Bhattacharya
  • Treasurer: Ms. Sonali Desai
  • Past President: Ms. Ashwini Pable

Maharashtra chapter was formed in the year 2017.

Since their formation they have not only rolled out the first batch of EDP modules but also formed collaborations with the Mumbai University, Entrepreneurship department to conduct these training modules.

They are very committed to the cause of creating next generation women entrepreneurs and they have set up an ambitious target for themselves towards achieving this goal. They are looking to expand this program beyond Mumbai to other parts of Maharashtra as well.


  • President: Ms. Shivani Bohra
  • Secretary: CA. Ruchika Sara
  • Joint Secretary: Ms. Kalpana Goyal
  • Treasurer: Ms. Suruchi Bhuwalka
  • Past President: Ms. Nidhi Toshniwal

COWE RAJASTHAN CHAPTER was formed in the year 2016. It completes 5 years shortly and the Founder President and team have strived to work towards the vision and mission of COWE to create an environment which nurtures women entrepreneurs. Every year the chapter conducts diverse events like EDPs, Industrial Visits, Skill development initiatives for women from underprivileged backgrounds, Business & Financial insights, Soft skill development, Nutrition, Mental Health, Design, Export Management, Vidhansabha session etc. The underlying focus was on Real time networking between COWE members, for their personal growth & business acumen to discuss & share their ideas to explore new avenues. Expertise of each member in their own respective areas of work is an asset, which COWE RAJASTHAN CHAPTER wants to utilize for the benefit of its members.

They organized, Blue Pottery Valedictory Function, Cancer Screening Camp, Styling Workshop, Golden Investment Rules, Heritage Walk, Session on Emotional Quotient etc.


  • President: Dr. Marceline
  • Secretary: Dr. Rama vaidyanathan
  • Joint Secretary: Er. Ranjani,
  • Treasurer: Ms. Jaishree Mohapatra
  • Past President: Dr Rosy Fernando

COWE Tamil Nadu Chapter was formed in the year 2013.

Ever since it has been creating ripples in the field of Entrepreneurship at three levels: at the grass root level women organisation, Students chapters in Technical and Arts and Science colleges, and at established Women Entrepreneurs in Industries. These efforts are supported by organizing many seminars, Exhibitions with the support from NSIC and MSME Institutions. In this way they are bringing in young Entrepreneurs into the fold of COWE India.

At this juncture, they are thankful to Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (CED), Anna University who have joined hands with COWE –TN chapter through a MOU to support Entrepreneurship forum for girls and Organic Farming activities in the University Campus as well as conducting many EDP programmes to fulfill the objectives She-preneurs right from College level. The team on Board at Tamilnadu Chapter is regularly organizing EDP lecture sessions and EDP training every month bringing established Women Entrepreneurs for learning, hands on experience and sharing.


  • President: Ms.Jyotsna Cheruvu
  • Secretary - I: Ms. Chetana Jain
  • Secretary - II: Ms.Kalpana Rao
  • Joint Secretary: Ms. Neeraja Godavarthi
  • Treasurer: Ms. Anuradha Karati
  • Past President: Ms. Neeraja Reddy

Telangana chapter was formed in the year 2017.Telangana chapter guided and supported many women and their members through various programs from EDP/EDSDs programs to Awareness programs on various NSIC Schemes and other government schemes that the government provides for the upliftment of women. COWE hosted many events, which turned out to be very good eye-openers in many verticals. They have supported their members by providing all the relevant information to promote their businesses through Networking and stimulated development for community projects. Through Networking meets, guides and mentored women to make the best use of time and resources and supported them for pursuing entrepreneurship so that they can achieve financial independence. COWE members meet strong and powerful women which give them the opportunity to expand their business and explore new paths. Potential speakers were called up to deliver the sessions on different topics for the development and growth of Member’s business.

Regular COWE Marts were organized for members to showcase their products on a larger platform The COWE – Telangana Chapter aspires to build an unbreakable bond within their members and strengthen their association. Additionally, they have started weekly ½ Day workshops in the COWE office to give the knowledge to their members about all the aspects of business -related ideas.


  • President: Ms. Meetu Puri
  • Secretary: Ms. Ria Raheja
  • Joint Secretary: Ms. Taru Tyagi
  • Treasurer: Ms. Stuti Raheja
  • Past President: Ms. Nidhi Sharma

The Uttar Pradesh chapter was formed in the year 2013. The team in the UP chapter works towards the vision and mission of COWE India through empowerment of women. They facilitate women with the training programs and awareness programs to inculcate the zeal of becoming an entrepreneur. In accordance with the policies, they plan several programs to enhance the capacity to help more women to get empowered with training programs in diversified fields through APSSDC, MSME, and other departmental programs for women from different walks of life.


  • President: Ms. Chitra Sen
  • Secretary - I: Ms. Bijal Kabra
  • Secretary - II: Ms. Silpa Baid
  • Joint Secretary & Treasurer: Dr. Aditi Bandyopadhyay
  • Past President: Ms. Ritu Mundra

The West Bengal Chapter was formed on 21st September 2014. The members of this chapter work towards empowering women by following the mission and vision of COWE. They take guidance from the Board members on working of the chapter and improve their work. Chapters aim is to empower women and make them confident enough to take up entrepreneurship.