- President: Shivani Bohra
- Secretary: Ms. Ruchika Saraf
- Jt.Sec : Ms. Kalpana Goyal
- Treasurer: Ms. Suruchi Bhuwalka
COWE RAJASTHAN CHAPTER was formed in the year 2016. It completes 5 years shortly and the Founder President and team have strived to work towards the vision and mission of COWE to create an environment which nurtures women entrepreneurs. Every year the chapter conducts diverse events like EDPs, Industrial Visits, Skill development initiatives for women from underprivileged backgrounds, Business & Financial insights, Soft skill development, Nutrition, Mental Health, Design, Export Management, Vidhansabha session etc. The underlying focus was on Real time networking between COWE members, for their personal growth & business acumen to discuss & share their ideas to explore new avenues. Expertise of each member in their own respective areas of work is an asset, which COWE RAJASTHAN CHAPTER wants to utilize for the benefit of its members.
They organized, Blue Pottery Valedictory Function, Cancer Screening Camp, Styling Workshop, Golden Investment Rules, Heritage Walk, Session on Emotional Quotient etc.