COWE Offline Marts & Exhibitions
COWE has an extensive plan for marketing linkages connecting women entrepreneurs and boosting their businesses.
One among them are the Exhibitions where women are motivated to showcase their products and have one-on-one meetings with matched corporations to pitch their products.
COWE has been successfully conducting Exhibitions all over the nation to help women entrepreneurs connect and grow. These are usually large scale with over 150 exhibitors (90%+ women entrepreneurs) in a large venue.
COWE has conducted 26+ national Exhibitions with 3000+ participants with 10+ crs in business.
COWE also works with Government agencies to give access to women entrepreneurs to large trade fairs and exhibitions organised by Industrial Bodies and Government Sectors at discounted rates.
To help increase the export potential of its members, COWE has conducted and participated in international Exhibitions. Over 200 of our members have participated in 15 international exhibitions covering a total of 12 countries like China, USA, Mexico, etc. and many have come back with business links and opportunities.
COWE works with the government to ensure the cost of attending these exhibitions are subsidised for its members.
COWE International Lifestyle Exhibition: This is COWE’s flagship annual exhibition and B2B platform. We invite women entrepreneurs from other countries to participate and look at possible business opportunities. We also invite MNCs and other organisations to see if the products of these women can form part of their procurement.
COWE MART: Our own mini exhibitions held around the urban and semi urban areas especially in residential communities and apartment complexes usually with 20-40 exhibitors. These are used to encourage micro-women-entrepreneurs, artisans, rural entrepreneurs and startups.
B2B and Vendor Development Exhibitions: COWE works with Government and Non Governmental Agencies to organise exhibitions to facilitate a business tie-up between Government & CPSUs viz., Railways, VSP, BHEL, NTPC, ECIL, NMDC, BEL, Coal India Ltd., Defence Establishments and large private sector industries with our members.